Seed Paper Flag | Plantable Flag | Recycled paper | Indeppendence Day 2022 - THE BAG

Eco-Friendly Independence Day

Everything in a celebration remains the same but the plastic. Surround yourself with less plastic in any celebration and try to seggregate the waste you generate. And it is very much an eco-friednly celebration. 

August 15’th is coming and we got to start prepping for our National Festival. Put together all the sustainable materials to make the day big. Here are a few tips to follow

CHOOSE A SEED-PAPER FLAG – In the past years we would have seen a plastic flags worn proudly and celebrated the Independece Day. But, where does all these go next day? With or without knowledge these plays could be littered on roads, seen in trash bins, end up on landfills or flow with water bodies. It hurts right? But no more, SeedPaper Flags/Badges are available in the market now. The happiest facts about these flags are 

  • They are made from garment’s fabric waste
  • Organic food colors are used to clor them 
  • Basil seeds are embedded in them
  • A plant grows when sowed in a pot
  • 100% biodegradable

DECORATIONS FROM NEWSPAPER - With the old newspapers

lying around the house, the simple flower-shaped wall hangings, simple cutouts, color the paper to make it look like flags. This can make a

great activity for children on Independence day. An easy and fun activity to be a part of; the best part is it eco-friendly and does not pollute our environment.

Follow the simple steps to make the simple flower shaped wall hangings:-

  1. Cut a rectangle with one side twice as long as the other.
  2. Secure the strips in the centre.
  3. Pull the edges together and fix.
  4. Use tricolour circles to decorate.
  5. This can be tied with thread to hang side by side from a string for great

paper hangings.

REUSE OLD CLOTH FOR STREAMERS - It’s time to bring out all that old

fabric lying around to create some amazing streamers! Just cut them up into

perfect triangular pieces and stitch them together. If you can’t manage to find

the right colours for the streamers, you can always ask your local tailor for

some scraps.\ and turn them into some beautiful streamers.

PLANT A TREE THIS INDEPENDENCE DAY - What better way to celebrate

our independence day than planting a tree . It is a great way to honour our

country and to bring more life to our planet. Just plant a sapling in your

neighbourhood, or a bunch of bushes, if you are restricted for space. All you

need to do from here on is to water the plant as and when required. Just one

sapling per person, in a neighbourhood, can do wonders for a city and our

country. Make yourself more accessible to oxygen. 


Charity begins at home and what better way to clean up your country than to

begin with your neighbourhood? Whether it is picking up the trash from your

housing colony and installing proper dustbins, educate your neighbours about waste segregation and its importance, repairing walkways or leakages; this 15th August you

can free your neighbourhood of garbage.

MAKING A INDEPENDENCE DAY GUIDE - Work along with children by

collecting pictures, fact sheets, and graphics related to the nation and

independence. Pick things such as the national flag, national bird, national

anthem, national animal, freedom fighters, and more. Ask them to stick on a

scrapbook or help them in making a PowerPoint presentation. It is a great way

to celebrate and get to know about our country by also protecting it from

polluting our surroundings.

These are the few ways to celebrate our AUGUST 15 and have a eco-friendly

Independence Day celebrations.Wishing you all a very happy Independence Day. And a big thanks to all our  freedom fighters, to our soldiers, to our heroes of the nation, who are the reason for our safe lives here. 

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